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ShebaLethecus Resident15

User Profile » ShebaLethecus Resident
User Overview » ShebaLethecus Resident
User Id 04508
Account Class General User
Premium Status Enabled
Clan Name -None-
Faction Outworlders
Created 24-May-2015, 19:08:14
9 years, 4 months, 3 weeks, 22 hours, 10 mins
Status Currently Playing In The Forge (Mech)
User Information
I like a good fight, that’s fun of it. Win or Lose. XD
Exp: Tech
User Is End Game
Exp: Bio
Level: 141 777,923 / 795,240 EXP   
Exp: Ecl
Level: 51 69,066 / 70,227 EXP   

User Overview
Account Created 24-May-2015, 19:08:14
Last Login 13-Oct-2024, 17:20:36

Experience Chart
This chart shows the amount of experience the user is recieving per day
Pilot Overview
Pilot Rating Captain
Kills 1,526
Deaths 2,482
Ejects 30

Combat Overview
Favourite Prey NYCharlie Vyper
Worst Enemy NYCharlie Vyper
Most Used mech Desperado
Least Used mech Lucid
Most Kills mech Legionnaire
Most Death mech Desperado
Most Eject mech Desperado
Most Used Arena The Forge
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Account Overlay
Gender Female
Account Status Active
Login Count 3
Forum Posts 0 ( Threads, Replies)
Comments 0

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